♥︎♥︎Let me take your stress away baby◆◆DON'T waste my time*donation required

Eastern Kentucky, Kentucky, US 2 months ago


♥︎♥︎♡♡♥︎♥︎ ◇◇♥︎♡Duos today and this evening♡♥︎◇◇ average hazel eyes fair tone long curly brown hair *best part of the body well lets jus say its perfectly tight and super wet ****I DONT KNOW WHY THERE IS ANOTHER GIRL.N MY AD ITS NOT ME. IM THE DARK HAIR ONE ◇♡♡DONT keep texting back and forth and not come thru its annoying and u wouldn't like it if it was the other way around ♡♡◇


♥︎♥︎♡♡♥︎♥︎ ◇◇♥︎♡Duos today and this evening♡♥︎◇◇ average hazel eyes fair tone long curly brown hair *best part of the body well lets jus say its perfectly tight and super wet ****I DONT KNOW WHY THERE IS ANOTHER GIRL.N MY AD ITS NOT ME. IM THE DARK HAIR ONE ◇♡♡DONT keep texting back and forth and not come thru its annoying and u wouldn't like it if it was the other way around ♡♡◇


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About the seller

513-823-6465 2 months ago


Eastern Kentucky, Kentucky, United States
Registered 2 months ago