Celebrate like there's NO tomorrow! #PRIVATE #STERILE #Sanitized FACILITY~ NOT a Public place! #Sweetrubs.com #Wilmington #NC #Massage #Bodyrubs #Prostate #Specialist #Fetishes #Adult #Entertainment #MYRTLEBEACH !!! A SAFE Place!! #Clean #Sterile!!! #Come visit! #SWEETRUBS.COM READ THE #Website #Hot #Slippery #Body2Body ! Call to book by 5PM, I have #Openings Til 7PM! #Sweetrubs has complete Booking Instructions for #Newbies *30 Over* #Erotic #Massage #NURU #Fetishes #Prostate Massage #FBSM #Come on #Enjoy your daySTAY Updated on my Website Social Media! THIS Is NOT a Public faciity, it's very PRIVATE, Low Key Sterile, No worries! CALL ANYTIME From a Standard Cell Phone Number, VOIP #'s show up a s Spam. These are FAKE numbers BANNED clients try to use to get an appt with, so we have them show up as spam.
EXTRA Precautions are being taken at this time, make sure you read ALL info on the website BEFORE calling. The EARLIER you call, the better the chance is of getting you on the schedule that day. Appointments are always limited everyday! xox Myrtle Beach Incall Gentlemen over 30. Later Appts can be arranged If I have previously met you, & you call early, so I can plan.