Not liked by everyone.And Loved by others

Ocala, Florida, US 6 hours ago


I know its a dog eat dog world and u have to do everything u can to defend who u are. I am 100% real and genuine I try to make ur visit as comftorable as posible and i want to see u come back. I say I am who I am and I do what I say Im gonna do. I have alot of regulars and I have some who admire from afar because for what ever reason has not come for a session. I apologize in advanse if I am ever rude ,I get harassed by people who have no business even trying to conduct adult buisiness and unfortunately I take it out on people i should not. Plz be ready and know when u would like to schedule a session, and plz dont think its cute to waste my time as i do not do it to u. I hope to hear from some of my regulars and i welcome new clients aswell. let me help u make ur fantasies become ur reality. I am not gonna let anyone bring me down. available 24 and i am currently only doing incalls. i also live in inglis not ocala. thank u guys for understanding. I


I know its a dog eat dog world and u have to do everything u can to defend who u are. I am 100% real and genuine I try to make ur visit as comftorable as posible and i want to see u come back. I say I am who I am and I do what I say Im gonna do. I have alot of regulars and I have some who admire from afar because for what ever reason has not come for a session. I apologize in advanse if I am ever rude ,I get harassed by people who have no business even trying to conduct adult buisiness and unfortunately I take it out on people i should not. Plz be ready and know when u would like to schedule a session, and plz dont think its cute to waste my time as i do not do it to u. I hope to hear from some of my regulars and i welcome new clients aswell. let me help u make ur fantasies become ur reality. I am not gonna let anyone bring me down. available 24 and i am currently only doing incalls. i also live in inglis not ocala. thank u guys for understanding. I


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About the seller

352-254-4649 1 month ago


Ocala, Florida, United States
Registered 1 month ago