The start of November and Y'ALL know skat that means...TIS THE SEASON FOR GIFT GIVING....SO,LET'S GET THIS STARTED WITH AN AMAZING APPOINTMENT WITH THE PLATINUM MOUTH!!!YAY nstant Headache Relief Hey handsome!! PLATINUM will have you doing BALLET, after some CAR PLAY, when she messes with your PSYCHE!!!CAN you IMAGINE Don't think you can outsmart, PLATINUM, a she sucks your COCK. PLATINUM will leave you feeling SOMEWAY, as you go away screaming "HELP" "HELP" MAY DAY . PLATINUM sure does WALK the WALK...., SHE DOES not just TALK TO TALK--PLATINUM SUCKS KILLER COCK..... FOR REAL. APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE... 🌹🌹DONATIONS ARE FOLLOWS: QV is $100. HHR is $170. HR is $320. Fetish and travel require additional donation. ..🌹🌹 NO LOW BALLING PLEASE... ONLY CONTACT ME WHEN YOU ARE READY TO SEE ME.