Sexy Milf

Ogden, Utah, US 3 days ago


if you have had a chance to read my comments and the comments are negative just dont put any trust into anything you see in the coment section cause i am not percect and i have faults but i am not a thief i dont steal money and if i could leave a comment on some of the men i deal with you would understand why i have to ask for so much in a donation and i do try to acomidate every request but i cant sometimes but to try to lie on my page just cause you expected more then what could do at that time does not make it ok to try to destroy my life and to make shit hard for me if i have a dis satisfied person then i have always been willing to make it right in the end so save your pitty story for a real situation and take your shitty post down and come talk to me in person if you were not happy i will make it right . i cant fix something i did not know was broke . For the rest of my gentlemen who are not so easily blinded by lies this is for you dont let that have any effect on your decision to contact me cause not every is honest and in this type of work there are so many men trying to get something for nothing I had to change my number so please use this one to contact me now ok Nothing else has changed like my rules and rates are all the same look forward to hear from you Rules 1- No pictures will be sent for any verifacation 2- No Anal 3- I cater to some fetishes 4- Must be 21 years of age or older


if you have had a chance to read my comments and the comments are negative just dont put any trust into anything you see in the coment section cause i am not percect and i have faults but i am not a thief i dont steal money and if i could leave a comment on some of the men i deal with you would understand why i have to ask for so much in a donation and i do try to acomidate every request but i cant sometimes but to try to lie on my page just cause you expected more then what could do at that time does not make it ok to try to destroy my life and to make shit hard for me if i have a dis satisfied person then i have always been willing to make it right in the end so save your pitty story for a real situation and take your shitty post down and come talk to me in person if you were not happy i will make it right . i cant fix something i did not know was broke . For the rest of my gentlemen who are not so easily blinded by lies this is for you dont let that have any effect on your decision to contact me cause not every is honest and in this type of work there are so many men trying to get something for nothing I had to change my number so please use this one to contact me now ok Nothing else has changed like my rules and rates are all the same look forward to hear from you Rules 1- No pictures will be sent for any verifacation 2- No Anal 3- I cater to some fetishes 4- Must be 21 years of age or older


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About the seller

+1 385-250-2532
+1 385-250-2532 3 days ago


+1 385-250-2532
Ogden, Utah, United States
Registered 3 days ago