5'0, Curves like a Coke Bottle with an END TABLE ASS!!! You can set your drink on it😉Dark Haired Dark Eyes 👀 Good things come in small packages thats means I'm exquisite.100% REAL, NO BS, NO SCAMS, WONT ASK FOR DEPOSIT... Will not go back n forth texing a bunch, or sending pics other then to verify. YOU WANT THE GOODS YOU GOTTA SEE 'EM IN PERSON....TEXT WHEN READY TO SCHEDULE and talk in person. We can Verify and thats that. I am professional. Not average or mediocre. Offering a level of classiness as well as discretion, while still having fun!! 😉. discreet experience desired by all.A cut above the rest, and believe me... you get what you pay for. NO trades & NO bartering. Very busy woman so PLEASE dont text just to BS , I need to know what time of day and length of time so HAVE that figured out. BEFORE you reach out. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY!!! BE READY TO BOOK/SCHEDULE WHEN YOU CONTACT ME