Have a new number, if your someone who has met me before or helped me in the past, please send me a text and a picture so i can reconize you, resave your numbers and explain the situation going on. Selling content to help me get by.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US 2 months ago


cashapp $kizzyfrog paypal: @Queeniekiss & Apaul1227 venmo @Apaul1227 nov 11th Son finally woke up for a few days and then went back under and it had been like that for a few weeks now. And then last week i got very very sick. Was in the hospital for a few days. I finally got out yesterday. But i have to go to doctor apts every day for next 2 weeks and get IV Antibiotics. Phone got shut off for a while. had to get it back on. can't afford the co pay on my appts so any help appreciated Update October 20th. same update. sept 15. still here. still trying every medicine under the sun. everything theyve tried hasn't worked. What he had is called S.E. ( status epileptus). son as they go to wake him, he had Bob stop sezures that will not so until they put him under again. im losing my mind. haven't showered in days again. it's any ive could help me get a room i would very much be grateful cause I'm so gross and exhasted. Update Sept 8. still here, trying a bunch of diffrent things, test after test. i just want to go home with my baby. Phonebill is due and I'm 50 short. wont be able to call anyone soon. if i go dark that's why. update Sept 2. they went to wake him, nd soon as they did he stated having a bad sezures, tried a bunch of medicines to stop it, and couldn't i was made to leave the room. that was at 10. finally 20 mins ago a doctor came and told me they put him back under to curb the sezure. theyre going to run some tests. give him some meds for epilepsy. try anyone who can help is greatly appreciated. plan to do something for you guys when i return. thank you to john.D& greg.m Update sat Aug 31st. Still here. wish we wernt, theyre going to try to wake him monday. so So exhasted and tired of crying. thank you for all the kinds words gestures and prayers. Update: Aug 29th. So we're still here, things are slightly better, scans yesterday showed signs of swelling going down, but its not quite where they want it to be yet, so little sleeping prince will sleep another day, and hopefully be woken tomorrow with no complications. Hed yell at me if hed hear me say that to other ppl. Moommmm sttaaaawwwppp. Some did send me a little bit yesterday for the first time, so i was able to grab something to eat, trying to save the rest and get enough together for a room. but i am so grateful, truly. Huge thank you to john! END OF UPDATE. Original Post of what is going on: So i think we all know ive been on kinda a hiatus for a while... Had to take some time to focus on some health issues, Some of u may remember but i had gotten my pinky fingersmashed into a door By someone trying to rob me and almost quite literally lost my finger. The only reason i still have it is because i chose not to let them remove it. So after a few surgeries trying to fix it, its now permanently fucked up, and so i took a break from everything. Ive wanted to come back since winter But somthing always gets in the way. Ive set up shop twice just to have Something tear it all down. The 2nd being house fire in april that took almost everything that i owned. Now this is the 3rd time... had everything gone well i was going to start posting this weekend. 2 days ago i had to admit my son into children's, a few years ago we had a scare with him that was epilepsy based. And it was nothing short of a miracle that he made it out then Last few years doctors said he was fine, full recovery, no lasting effects, he was good. Now i never fully believed that, but he convinced me to let him play soccer this year. Hes a bit older now, hes 12 and so i finally gave in. Thinking least its not football, which is what he Actually wanted to play. So 3 days ago he came home from practice, my mother took him and dropped him off, And then 2 days ago he woke up and was walking into walls and said the top of his head was numb. They said he had fallen and hit his head but nothing that should have caused worry. We brought him in and scans showed he has brain swelling. So they wanted to induced a coma so the swelling could go down, And so i had him moved to cleaveland clinic since theyve dealt with him before. Weve been here like 2 days and hes been the induced coma since the day we got here someone stole my purse. All my cards except my I.D, cashapp and paypal cards were stolen. The hospital let me stay in the visitation room last day and half, but i have to either find somewhere to go or leave him here and go back home. Really just dont know what to do. Ive cried so hard for so long my throat and cheeks are raw. Im not from here and dont have any help, my mom wont answer the phone, idk if she thinks i blame her or what. If anyone could help i could get a cheap room for $100. If 4 ppl could help with 25$. I could least make it till tomorrow to try to fig something else out. I will pay it back. Im just so lost.


cashapp $kizzyfrog paypal: @Queeniekiss & Apaul1227 venmo @Apaul1227 nov 11th Son finally woke up for a few days and then went back under and it had been like that for a few weeks now. And then last week i got very very sick. Was in the hospital for a few days. I finally got out yesterday. But i have to go to doctor apts every day for next 2 weeks and get IV Antibiotics. Phone got shut off for a while. had to get it back on. can't afford the co pay on my appts so any help appreciated Update October 20th. same update. sept 15. still here. still trying every medicine under the sun. everything theyve tried hasn't worked. What he had is called S.E. ( status epileptus). son as they go to wake him, he had Bob stop sezures that will not so until they put him under again. im losing my mind. haven't showered in days again. it's any ive could help me get a room i would very much be grateful cause I'm so gross and exhasted. Update Sept 8. still here, trying a bunch of diffrent things, test after test. i just want to go home with my baby. Phonebill is due and I'm 50 short. wont be able to call anyone soon. if i go dark that's why. update Sept 2. they went to wake him, nd soon as they did he stated having a bad sezures, tried a bunch of medicines to stop it, and couldn't i was made to leave the room. that was at 10. finally 20 mins ago a doctor came and told me they put him back under to curb the sezure. theyre going to run some tests. give him some meds for epilepsy. try anyone who can help is greatly appreciated. plan to do something for you guys when i return. thank you to john.D& greg.m Update sat Aug 31st. Still here. wish we wernt, theyre going to try to wake him monday. so So exhasted and tired of crying. thank you for all the kinds words gestures and prayers. Update: Aug 29th. So we're still here, things are slightly better, scans yesterday showed signs of swelling going down, but its not quite where they want it to be yet, so little sleeping prince will sleep another day, and hopefully be woken tomorrow with no complications. Hed yell at me if hed hear me say that to other ppl. Moommmm sttaaaawwwppp. Some did send me a little bit yesterday for the first time, so i was able to grab something to eat, trying to save the rest and get enough together for a room. but i am so grateful, truly. Huge thank you to john! END OF UPDATE. Original Post of what is going on: So i think we all know ive been on kinda a hiatus for a while... Had to take some time to focus on some health issues, Some of u may remember but i had gotten my pinky fingersmashed into a door By someone trying to rob me and almost quite literally lost my finger. The only reason i still have it is because i chose not to let them remove it. So after a few surgeries trying to fix it, its now permanently fucked up, and so i took a break from everything. Ive wanted to come back since winter But somthing always gets in the way. Ive set up shop twice just to have Something tear it all down. The 2nd being house fire in april that took almost everything that i owned. Now this is the 3rd time... had everything gone well i was going to start posting this weekend. 2 days ago i had to admit my son into children's, a few years ago we had a scare with him that was epilepsy based. And it was nothing short of a miracle that he made it out then Last few years doctors said he was fine, full recovery, no lasting effects, he was good. Now i never fully believed that, but he convinced me to let him play soccer this year. Hes a bit older now, hes 12 and so i finally gave in. Thinking least its not football, which is what he Actually wanted to play. So 3 days ago he came home from practice, my mother took him and dropped him off, And then 2 days ago he woke up and was walking into walls and said the top of his head was numb. They said he had fallen and hit his head but nothing that should have caused worry. We brought him in and scans showed he has brain swelling. So they wanted to induced a coma so the swelling could go down, And so i had him moved to cleaveland clinic since theyve dealt with him before. Weve been here like 2 days and hes been the induced coma since the day we got here someone stole my purse. All my cards except my I.D, cashapp and paypal cards were stolen. The hospital let me stay in the visitation room last day and half, but i have to either find somewhere to go or leave him here and go back home. Really just dont know what to do. Ive cried so hard for so long my throat and cheeks are raw. Im not from here and dont have any help, my mom wont answer the phone, idk if she thinks i blame her or what. If anyone could help i could get a cheap room for $100. If 4 ppl could help with 25$. I could least make it till tomorrow to try to fig something else out. I will pay it back. Im just so lost.


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About the seller

724-509-0318 3 months ago


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Registered 3 months ago