Come see me before surgery to get my current rates LOCKED IN!! Pullman 3-18/3-19 I'm every mans fantasy and best kept secret. —— 1OO% REAL! ❥Sweet seductive & intelligent .. I'm the perfect combination of sultry vixen & girl next door —— 1OO% Independent ❥Always discrete & NO drama! Passionate & sensual, my goal is to keep you relaxed & coming back for more —— 1OO% Ready ❥Soft skin, captivating brown eyes, gorgeous smile & curvy body So what are you waiting for Call Now NO explicit talk NO BB ANYTHING NO Police OUR Time is VERY valuable!🕛Don't waste mine, I won't waste yours! *DEPOSIT REQUIRED FOR OUTCALLS * PLEASE TEXT TO BOOK APPOINTMENT / FOR DETAILS 🚫Law🚫Pictures🚫Fake Numbers🚫BB PLEASE READ MY PROFILE BEFORE CONTACTING ME TO MAKE SCREENING EASIER/FASTER PLEASE TEXT ME WITH THIS INFO 1) The date/time/length of meeting you'd like to see me for 2) TWO or more references that you've recently seen (within last 6 months)- please include the reference's contact info OR: have two reviews you've written in the last 6 months that have provider responses to them 3) Also any requests you may have IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY REFERENCES ⬇⬇ I WILL NEED A SELFIE IF YOU DON’T WANT TO SCREEN A DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED. ♡Thanks♡ Ig- _mariah_rae (I do NOT communicate through social media for that matter. Please text or call my phone from a real number, no texting apps. Thx) Onlyfans- @mariah_rae Tryst- Mariah Rae TNA- Mariah_Rae P411- P111824 PD- _mariah_rae P.S. After our meeting you're more then welcome to shower here, I have mens body wash available. Also if you have any issues with perfumes or scented lotions, please let me know. I do have a $60 cancellation fee for ncns and cancelled appointments without proper notice.