Ready to see what your life has been missing I'll BLOW your mind!! In town for limited amount of time and would like to make the MOST of it!!! INCALLS/OUTCALLS/CAR DATES: GUARANTEED you don't want to miss out on this! Not only is my head game TOP NOTCH (dare I say, BEST in the BIZ), but I've also got the TIGHTEST, TASTIEST, JUICIEST pink box.... 🥰That being said, I gotta warn you that you’re probably going to fall in luv🥰 —Or at the VERY LEAST lust—-😋 Since I'm only going to be in the area for a short time, this is the one that I promise u DO NOT want to miss. But rather than continuing to tell you about it, why don't you just CUM experience me for yourself. *★*ASK ME ABOUT BJ SPECIALS!!*★*🤫😇😊 NO A.A. NO L.E. PS: NO BUTT STUFF -- mine or yours!! So no need to ask 😋