NCALL ✔ must be 35+ INCALL SPECIALS ✔ 🚗 car ✔I NCALL & ✔ OUTCALLS ✔ +120$ FOR ADITIONAL HOUR NO QVS IN OR OUT Outcalls ✔🚫🚫 ALL RACES WELCOME 🚫🚫 INCALL ✔ ✨️I prefer older white Gentlemen ✨️ ✔ NO AA NO GREEK NO BARE SNAPCHAT verification ✔ lovee_bugg22 cash tag $kayXstwo It's me or 100% free 👑pillow princess👑 Real men don't try to negotiate they tip ✔ You're responsible for transportation I've got my own driver or you can uber me. Rule #1 Don't fall in love ♡♡ Rule #2 Don't try to lower my donations Rule #3 DONT KILL ME Rule #4 Disregard Rules #2 and 3 Because you'll NEVER make it past Rule #1 ♡ I was injured in an accident in 2018 that left me paralyzed on the left side I've since regained most of my mobility. I can't walk unassisted yet Let's think about the pros here 🤔 I can't run off with your money 💶 💯 I'm still better then her and her. You'll never regret choosing me. i can be your girlfriend your mistress or your one night stand ♡ Satisfaction guaranteed 👌 Don't waste your time with the rest when you can be with the best!! My safe word is 🍍 Pineapple 🍍 If you We're raised by idiots contact another provider. ONLY CONTACT ME WHEN YOURE READY. ONLY serious inquiries ONLY please Port richey
NCALL ✔ must be 35+ INCALL SPECIALS ✔ 🚗 car ✔I NCALL & ✔ OUTCALLS ✔ +120$ FOR ADITIONAL HOUR NO QVS IN OR OUT Outcalls ✔🚫🚫 ALL RACES WELCOME 🚫🚫 INCALL ✔ ✨️I prefer older white Gentlemen ✨️ ✔ NO AA NO GREEK NO BARE SNAPCHAT verification ✔ lovee_bugg22 cash tag $kayXstwo It's me or 100% free 👑pillow princess👑 Real men don't try to negotiate they tip ✔ You're responsible for transportation I've got my own driver or you can uber me. Rule #1 Don't fall in love ♡♡ Rule #2 Don't try to lower my donations Rule #3 DONT KILL ME Rule #4 Disregard Rules #2 and 3 Because you'll NEVER make it past Rule #1 ♡ I was injured in an accident in 2018 that left me paralyzed on the left side I've since regained most of my mobility. I can't walk unassisted yet Let's think about the pros here 🤔 I can't run off with your money 💶 💯 I'm still better then her and her. You'll never regret choosing me. i can be your girlfriend your mistress or your one night stand ♡ Satisfaction guaranteed 👌 Don't waste your time with the rest when you can be with the best!! My safe word is 🍍 Pineapple 🍍 If you We're raised by idiots contact another provider. ONLY CONTACT ME WHEN YOURE READY. ONLY serious inquiries ONLY please Port richey
5'3 Brownskin tight pussy 💦💘 Phat ass 😋 Good personality 😌 Throat Goat 🐐 😎 🤪 Let me fullfill your fantasy ✨️ 😏 🏩🏩🏩 No cops or pimps 👮🚫 No Bbj 🚫 No Bare 🚫 Everything with a condom please come with good hygiene ❤ Yes i’m 1000% percent real yes i facetime verify before meet ! 📲💰😝❤ CASH APP & CASH ONLY ✅✅✅
Body of a goddess. Face of an angel. Highly skilled, classy with a sweet personality. My session is fit for a king and will leave you thirsty for more. I start with a sensual body to body rub. Then we ease into an intimate lap dance with playful strip tease. After you're fully relaxed and ready, we get into full servic...
(Mobile With Deposit💰) Incalls Avaliable 120& Up🖤 Onlyfans- Desireemyskylarr💕 NO ANAL❗ NO BARE‼ Cash Only ‼ apple pay or cashapp is $5 Extra⭐ -ASK FOR HEAD ONLY & OVERNIGHT RATES💕