CAR DATE CAR DATE🌹 I am pretty much open to everything just ask. also I do make videos upon request and pictures also. ask what you like to see and you shall receive. also I do live sex video chat. I have a lot of toys to play with

Tampa, Florida, US 5 days ago


CAR DATE CAR DATE 🌹 PLEASE DO NOT CALL MY PHONE! I HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO RESPOND AND THERE IS NOT ENOUGN TIME TO SIT ON PHONE AND CHAT UNTIL WE CONFIRM A DATE TEXT PLEASE DONATIONS 🌹QV 100 🌹HALF HOUR 140 🌹HOUR 200 🌹😜💦💙DONT forget to ask me about my content for saying I do have a lot of content from videos pictures and also upon request you can tell me what you want and I will make it for you. also live video sex chats. however long you want and you tell what do you want me to do for you and you can shut your camera off so I can't see you and you only see me. so check me out 🚫CALL MY PHONE 🚫WASTE MY TIME ASKING A MILLION QUESTIONS 🚫I WILL ASK IF YOU ARE AFFILIATED WITH LAW SO DONT TAKE OFFENSE


CAR DATE CAR DATE 🌹 PLEASE DO NOT CALL MY PHONE! I HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO RESPOND AND THERE IS NOT ENOUGN TIME TO SIT ON PHONE AND CHAT UNTIL WE CONFIRM A DATE TEXT PLEASE DONATIONS 🌹QV 100 🌹HALF HOUR 140 🌹HOUR 200 🌹😜💦💙DONT forget to ask me about my content for saying I do have a lot of content from videos pictures and also upon request you can tell me what you want and I will make it for you. also live video sex chats. however long you want and you tell what do you want me to do for you and you can shut your camera off so I can't see you and you only see me. so check me out 🚫CALL MY PHONE 🚫WASTE MY TIME ASKING A MILLION QUESTIONS 🚫I WILL ASK IF YOU ARE AFFILIATED WITH LAW SO DONT TAKE OFFENSE


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About the seller

813-540-2060 5 days ago


Tampa, Florida, United States
Registered 5 days ago