IM GONNA BE INN AND OUT OF WEST MEMPHIS ARKA TONIGHT AND THE MEMPHIS AREA JUST GIVE ME A CALL OR TEXT AND LETS MEET UP ... I ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅDO NOT TEXT UNLESS YOU ARE READY TO MEET๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅNO SHOWS ARE INSTANTLY BLOCKED NO EXCEPTIONS PLEASE HAVE ENOUGH RESPECT TO CALL AND CANCEL OR RESCHEDULE ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ :INCALLฤนSPECIAL 180.00 NORMALLY 200 OR A FREE 15 MIN MASS 2 HR SPECIAL 300.00 NO DRAMA NO DEPOSITS NO PIMPS NO RUSH โI suggest we learn to love ourselves before it's made illegal" I want you to have a great idea of who I am before contacting me but I find that very hard to accomplish with words. I've been given the gift of communication in a much better way when it comes to a face to face interaction, but we have to start somewhere! I am passionate about life, learning is what drives me. I heard many times that I'm pretty funny, but that comes naturally. I'm very sweet even though I try to put on a more serious facade. Music, art, sexuality and spirituality are among my biggest interests. I believe that experiences in life are only worth if done with true intention, so please be engaging and respectful when you contact me. For me less is more and I gladly have a lot going on in my life that seeing you would be an exciting highlight to my week, not a daily business transaction. I'm also very big on diversity, acceptance and kinks, so I don't care how society sees you or how crazy your fetishes are, I want to know who you actually are as a person and how we can make your wildest fantasies come true ;) xoxo LoBA