Public profile of 480-708-2726
Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Public profile of #9665413

Come 1, Come All, To The Greatest Show On Earth.
7 months ago
Come 1, Come All, To The Greatest Show On Earth.
Step right up, ladies and gentlemen - but not for children, for what writhes and undulates beyond these curtains is NOT for the faint of heart! Yes - SEE the Wolf Man of the Appalachians! MARVEL at the Inside-Out Woman! THRILL to the sensational, shocking spectacle of the Salamander Boy's suppurating slime! And for a m...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 7 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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How Is Everyone Feelin?
7 months ago
How Is Everyone Feelin?
How we feeling after yesterday?  Did your team win?are we hungover? Or as I like to call them:Feel free to use any of this 40 phrases my friend.Not me.. I feel fan-friggin-tastic!! I didn't partake in the devils pee. I was a good girl. I did however indulge on all the fixins... thinkin I ate 46 wings yesterday. But who...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 7 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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This Is Gonna Be A Short Ad. Nothing Crazy!!
7 months ago
This Is Gonna Be A Short Ad. Nothing Crazy!!
yes I know I write extremely long nonsense ads. But today is different. Today I have decided to not write such a long drawn out ad.. seriously, who has time to sit and read paragraph after paragraph  of just  strung along senstences and never getting to the point. It's as if I type every single word that fills my head ...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 7 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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Just Got Back From New Mexico!!
7 months ago
Just Got Back From New Mexico!!
y'all... first off I want to apologize if you texted or called. I left my work phone at home. Secondly... oh my gosh... what is wrong with New Mexico? Albuquerque to be exact. I thought I would see this gorgeous city and culture out the wazoo.... that was sadly not the case. Very barren. And dirty. If you are from ther...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 7 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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7 months ago
Love is in the air my friends.. you feel it? I can feel it. It's got nothing to do with my coffee and Bailey's  nor my Bloody Mary this morning.. 😜 This feels like true love. Ya know when you get the butterflies and the dry mouth? Your stomach is in knots and your heart is racing? That's the feeling!!! And that my swee...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 7 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s Off To Work I Go…
7 months ago
Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s Off To Work I Go…
I'll keep on working day and night hi ho, hi ho hi ho hi ho.Hi Hoe, how's your Thursday shapin up! 😂😂💗 I'm sorry, I had to put that. It was cute. No mean intent at all. 😘 y'all remember that song from Snow White right?  Loved those little goofy dwarfs. Sleepy was my favorite. And I thought there was one that was drunk ...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 7 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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What In Tarnation Is Goin On???
8 months ago
What In Tarnation Is Goin On???
Not to brag but I just polished off a box of wheat thins this morning. The whole box. In under 30 minutes too. 😳😳Its Wednesday yall, anyone remember that camel that was the spokesperson for Wednesday?  😂 Who in their right mind came up with that? A camel... I mean yeah, I get it, it's hump day but come on..... there is...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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Don’t Click On This Ad… Trust Me, it’s A Mess…
8 months ago
Don’t Click On This Ad… Trust Me, it’s A Mess…
Now see I told you not to click on this ad. Yet here ya are.. So now I gotta think up some clever stuff to say. You kinda put me on the spot here... I was just gonna leave this ad blank and hope for the best. I figured it's Saturday... who really wants to be reading some drawn out ad on here. You probably have "foggy g...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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I Can Feel It Comin In The Air Tonight…
8 months ago
I Can Feel It Comin In The Air Tonight…
{ I  can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh LordAnd I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh LordCan you feel it coming in the air tonight? Oh Lord, oh Lord }I swear I don't remember "oh lord" being in the lyrics.. yall remember that? 😳i thought it was " hold on, hold on" its HOLD ON, HOLD ON!!  I refus...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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8 months ago
I got jokes y'all, everyone could use a joke or four today! So I decided to be that person to share my funnies with you.Tell me if you heard any of these.1. My wife told me to stop acting like a flamingo. I had to put my foot down.2. I went to buy some camo pants but couldn’t find any.3. I failed math so many times at ...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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The Hills Are Alive… With The Sound Of Music..
8 months ago
The Hills Are Alive… With The Sound Of Music..
Actually the hills are alive with the sound of NOTHING because they shut down parts of the 10 and the 17. It's like a ghost town out there man. My question though is where are the people fixing the highway? Every dang time I'm on the roads I look over and never see a soul on the closed side. Must have on that invisible...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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Come On Y’all. It’s Friday! Let’s Drink! 😂😂
8 months ago
Come On Y’all. It’s Friday! Let’s Drink! 😂😂
After the week it's been, we all should get hammered!! Or you could just see me. I give the best buzzes and I don't leave hangovers.They should bottle me. I would fly off the shelves. in fact I bet I would sell out. I would be on back order. Sure there would be fake Tyler's and generic ones.. but those would be awful a...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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Okay. Holiday Is Over.. Back To work!
8 months ago
Okay. Holiday Is Over.. Back To work!
See that's what they want us to do.. I say screw them!  Ditch work today. there is a Plethora of diseases and infections you can use to play hooky. Here is just a few in my arsonal. Covid, flu, hand mouth and foot disease, 🦠 😳 ring worm.,mono,diaper rash,  got a case of the black tongue, boil burst, and  my personal fa...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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8 months ago
You read that right... green bean casserole, the dish of the ELITES. And you sir get a Tupperware container of it with a purchase of a massage. 😊🙏🏼-•-•- While supplies last, no substitutions and no rain checks issued. Not valid toward previous purchases. Other restrictions may apply.-•-•-Gonna want my Tupperware back t...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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It’s The Weekned!! Come See Me.
8 months ago
It’s The Weekned!! Come See Me.
Y'all, this heat is a joke!  IT'S SEPTEMBER GAH DANG IT.Good thing my AC works. Poor girl has been chuggin along. Kinda proud of her. She's an older model but  she has life left in her. I'm talking about the AC people.. not me. 😂😂💗In case you haven't figured it out I'm working today! I got all the bells and whistles to...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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If You Can’t Decide On What To Get Me This Year…
8 months ago
If You Can’t Decide On What To Get Me This Year…
I know you're racking that noggin trying to figure out what to get me for Christmas... I'll make it really easy for ya, a TESLA. And you don't need to go all out, I don't need all the bells and fancy whistles. I just would prefer a nice white one... with a pretty bow on top. That should suffice. If that is a bit too st...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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What Does A Storm Cloud Wear Under His Raincoat?
8 months ago
What Does A Storm Cloud Wear Under His Raincoat?
THUNDERWEAR!!!! Get it? 😂😂😐 Yes it's corny but I rather be corny than Brussel sprout. Because brussel sprouts are disgusting. Little cabbages that smell like toots. No thank you. 🤢Look at this Thursday weather my little mucha Chas. Reminds me of Mr.Rose... " and it's hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain."😳 W...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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8 months ago
THE DIAMONDBACKS 🐍 WON AGAIN...Well dang! They might just make the World Series after all. Another game today! I know a lot of you are wondering " why is she working? half of Arizona is either at the game or watching it at home" And the answer is simple....😐 I ain't watching it and I don't like sittin around doing noth...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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Happy Valentine’s Day.. Who Got Me Something?
8 months ago
Happy Valentine’s Day.. Who Got Me Something?
Come on.. I saw some kinda wilted roses at the circle K that were in the bargain bin for around 3 bucks... I got a funny Valentine's Day story. Wanna hear about it? Too bad, you are anyway. :)I dated this boy once.. ( hence boy) and mind you we had been dating for almost 3 years. I was stoked for V-day as most women ar...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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What’s It Gonna Be? Come On.. Ain’t Got All Day!
8 months ago
What’s It Gonna Be? Come On.. Ain’t Got All Day!
Actually I do I have all day.. I'm gonna be working til 6pm. So if you need time to mull it over just get back to me when you have your decision. :)There's a whole lotta choices on this site. Gah dang man.... even I sometimes look. I gotta size up my competition.. however I do realize some of them are famous Asian actr...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy!
8 months ago
Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy!
Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy!Thats my new slogan. Especially right now with how things are going in the world.Let's just make up our own little fantasy. Mine is on a space ship. I'm the captain of course... I mean it is my fantasy... anyway, we have infinite oxygen to last us decades and we a...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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If You Texted Me, I Am Sorry…
8 months ago
If You Texted Me, I Am Sorry…
Y'all.... I took a 3 day vacation and my dumbarse left my work phone on the side of bed next to my half eaten microwave popcorn and sleeve of empty Oreos.can't believe I would be that absent minded that I left my dang phone. I got back from Flagstaff with a bunch of messages.... and I feel stupid replying to y'all now....
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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I Only Want To See You Laughing In The Purple Rain!
8 months ago
I Only Want To See You Laughing In The Purple Rain!
🎶 I only wanted to be yo weekend lovah.... 🎶gotta love Prince. Hey speaking of rain. Did you know we haven't got an ounce of rain drops since March? Now ya know. Pretty crazy summer we are having so far. I used to have this trick to make it rain, I swear it worked almost Everytime, but lately it hasn't. It lost its lus...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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I Happen To Be Wearin My Sunday Best!! …
8 months ago
I Happen To Be Wearin My Sunday Best!! …
Come on who doesn't like to dress fancy smancy on Sunday?  Actually a lot of us don't like dressin up on the weekends. We gotta do it all week, Sundays are for that  favorite stained t shirt and  ripped bathrobe. Or if you are more of the snooty type than you have your matching pajamas on with your leather slippers, a ...
Phoenix, Arizona, US/ 8 months ago/ 0 hits
Phoenix, Arizona, US
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