2 hour special till JAN
Hi my name is...... CHRISTINA,
i enjoy being a provider๐here Wilmington, nc. I'm told that I'm very feminine๐and sensual,๐which makes๐ my massages๐ so great
Text only no phone calls 24/7
โTo book your session with me, , text the basic info to make an appointment. Time day
โI don't answer calls, it's too disturbing .
โAsk for a hour, half hour, or earlybird special. Please no vulgarity,
โif u book a session a day ahead of time I can be well prepared to cater to ur every need.
โText the dayโ โ time you want a session.โ Hour or half ir hour 1/2
โno QV
โBoth sessions include the same things, one is just longer
โAll sessions include a neuro massageโ ,guided meditation,โ healingโ binaural music.โ Trantric and Sacral healing
โด๏ธfull service and all inclusiveโด๏ธ
read all about it
โด๏ธ book your earlybird special the night before... Get $10 off hour$90hr
โด๏ธSomething for your appetite right now!
โด๏ธCashApp $prettychristina65 $25
โด๏ธPriority booking within the hour guranteed or money back
โด๏ธPackage that includes private link to pretty puctures content to start is 2 video clips 5 erotic private collection of photos of Christina
โด๏ธ$40 you will receive a private erotic link ( just u and me) that we can play on . ๐ ๐ ๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐ provider