How in the heck is it 48 degrees in the desert????
Y’all… come on. Whatever snowbird brought this weather here, can y’all please take it back to Canada or Colorado? I don’t like it. It’s just not for me. I prefer the heat. I’m not a fan of socks and pants!
I seriously don’t remember it being this cold last year. At night yes… but in the morning? Nope. It’s so cold here I saw the scorpions wearing Ugg boots. I did. I took a pic of it this morning. One even had a Starbucks pumpkin spice in her hand. :)
Happy November week my little cold tushies. Life is pretty fantastic other than my hate for the cold.
Good thing my beds are heated and I have plenty of warmth to go around!!!
Who’s in need of a good session? Especially with the one and only.. Tyler of course.
Did I mention that my bestie is working all week too? We have four handed massages as well.
I’m located in South Scottsdale. Flat rates which means no door cover. :) but I require a 2 drink minimum. Haha
Okay, I’m getting off the stage. Text or call for more info. I’m working til 7pm!!!!
Tyler 480-708-2726