IM BAAACK... i was gone for a while but i am back now. please read full add please do not ask me what my rates are they're in the headline and in this ad please read the entire ad as it will answer MOST of your questions. thank you in advance. BE RESPECTFUL TO ME I WILL BE RESPECTFUL TO YOU. NOW FOR THE FUN STUFF: I AM...
IM BAAACK... i was gone for a while but i am back now. please read full add please do not ask me what my rates are they're in the headline and in this ad please read the entire ad as it will answer MOST of your questions. thank you in advance. BE RESPECTFUL TO ME I WILL BE RESPECTFUL TO YOU. NOW FOR THE FUN STUFF: IT I...
IM BAAACK... i was gone for a while but i am back and bored. . please read full add I only see three to four people a week plus regulars, are you going to be one of those lucky onesplease do not ask me what my rates are they're in the headline and in this ad please read the entire ad as it will answer MOST of your ques...
IM BAAACK... i was gone for a while but i am back and ready to please my donations are 80🌹bbj/qv (special for my quick n fast guys), 100🌹Qv/fs, 25mins.....150🌹HH 30-45min & i do offer full hour as well. 300🌹HR is ALL INCLUSIVE & willing to break some if my rules😘 the amount goes up the longer you stay but i do NOT set ...