SEND DICK PIC ALONG WITH YOU ARE SEEKING . IF NO PIC BEFORE MY FIRST RESPONSE then a deposit will be applicable all details are listed if you hmu asking other questions you will be blocked if u text me hey or are you available you will be charged a deposit for not reading the ad no law enforcement do not ask for any ad...
🫨SEND DICK PIC ALONG WITH WHAT YOU WANT . IF NO PIC BEFORE MY FIRST RESPONSE then a deposit will be applicable 🖐if u text me hey or are you available you will be charged a deposit for not reading the ad. ALL DETAILS ARE LISTED 💨 🖕🏿no law enforcement 🤯no shows will be blocked 🥳PRICES IN CAPTION please know what you want...
🫨SEND DICK PIC ALONG WITH WHAT YOU WANT . IF NO PIC BEFORE MY FIRST RESPONSE then a deposit will be applicable 🖐if u text me hey or are you available you will be charged a deposit for not reading the ad. ALL DETAILS ARE LISTED 💨 🖕🏿no law enforcement 🤯no shows will be blocked 🥳PRICES IN CAPTION please know what you want...