-my name is juju im 4 foot 3 looking have some fun im only here for a short time so lets make the best out of it 🤍 VERIFICATION✔ yes i verify on my snapchat only so add my snapchat for that ❌ NO BARE ❌ NO CREAM PIES OR FACIALS - Hygiene 🧼🫧 is a must dont come here smelling like you just got off work FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ⬇...
-my name is juju im 4 foot 3 looking have some fun im only here for a short time so lets make the best out of it 🤍 VERIFICATION✔ yes i verify on my snapchat only so add my snapchat for that ❌ NO BARE ❌ NO CREAM PIES OR FACIALS - Hygiene 🧼🫧 is a must dont come here smelling like you just got off work FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ⬇...
-my name is juju im 4 foot 3 looking have some fun im only here for a short time so lets make the best out of it 🤍 VERIFICATION✔ yes i verify on my snapchat only so add my snapchat for that ❌ NO BARE ❌ NO CREAM PIES OR FACIALS - Hygiene 🧼🫧 is a must dont come here smelling like you just got off work FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ⬇...
-my name is juju im 4 foot 3 looking have some fun im only here for a short time so lets make the best out of it 🤍 VERIFICATION✔ yes i verify on my snapchat only so add my snapchat for that ❌ NO BARE ❌ NO CREAM PIES OR FACIALS - Hygiene 🧼🫧 is a must dont come here smelling like you just got off work FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ⬇...
-my name is juju im 4 foot 3 looking have some fun im only here for a short time so lets make the best out of it 🤍 VERIFICATION✔ yes i verify on my snapchat only so add my snapchat for that ❌ NO BARE ❌ NO CREAM PIES OR FACIALS - Hygiene 🧼🫧 is a must dont come here smelling like you just got off work FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ⬇...
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US/1 month ago/0 hits
-my name is juju im 4 foot 3 looking have some fun im only here for a short time so lets make the best out of it 🤍 VERIFICATION✔ yes i verify on my snapchat only so add my snapchat for that ❌ NO BARE ❌ NO CREAM PIES OR FACIALS - Hygiene 🧼🫧 is a must dont come here smelling like you just got off work FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ⬇...
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US/2 months ago/0 hits
-my name is juju im 4 foot 3 looking have some fun im only here for a short time so lets make the best out of it 🤍 VERIFICATION✔ yes i verify on my snapchat only so add my snapchat for that ❌ NO BARE ❌ NO CREAM PIES OR FACIALS - Hygiene 🧼🫧 is a must dont come here smelling like you just got off work FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ⬇...
-my name is juju im 4 foot 3 looking have some fun im only here for a short time so lets make the best out of it 🤍 VERIFICATION✔ yes i verify on my snapchat only so add my snapchat for that ❌ NO BARE ❌ NO CREAM PIES OR FACIALS - Hygiene 🧼🫧 is a must dont come here smelling like you just got off work FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ⬇...