Instagram tiamonroe909 📸 Menu TOURING ✈🧳 FMTY IS AVAILABLE You can either come to me or I can come to you.I want you to relax !! I only see Professional Upscale Clients !! INCALLS ONLY IF YOU PAY THE BOOKING FEE HOTELS,PRIVATE PROPERTY DO COST$! OUTCALLS ARE AVAILABLE TOO!!! ! Touring so please book in advance!!!! , BO...
ParTy Friendly ❄❄Remember it's 100% Me !!!!!! !! 💵📱📱💼Men/Athletes🏈⚽🏒⚾🏀 I'm 100%%%% !!!! ,Instagram 📸 tiamonroe909 no endless pictures requested you will be blocked if you call for nothing!! 💦💦💦🚿🚿 You can message me privately there !!! No Pimps 🚫 No Bare !!!🚫Please dont ask or u be blocked will NO TRADES. NO NEGOTIATION...
Pre Booking 🎉 FACETIME AND DUO 100💸 VIDEO SESSION OR PRE BOOK 150💸 🇹🇼🇹🇼Taiwanese, west African🇳🇬🇳🇬 DONATIONS ↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕ Text first 🎇SAFE PLAY ONLY NO EXCEPTIONS‼ VIDEO VERIFICATION IN THE AD 📷Instagram: tiamonroe909 short stay 250/🌹⏰ hh/350🌹⏰ hr/400🌹⏰ MVP SESSION/500🌹⏰ 🚫NO EXPLICIT TEXT WILL BE BLOCKED 🚫NO BB 🚫NO GFE ...