I'm in PASO ROBLES right now TODAY ONLY STEAL OF A DEAL!!!!!!! Quick Visit 15 minutes $100 a pop or if you think you can keep up with me 45 minutes UNLIMITED POPS & FULL SERVICE $300 1.5 HRS UNLIMITED POPS & FULL SERVICE for a one time fee of $400 each additional hr is an additional $200. OUTCALLS & CARDATES ONLY FOR T...
San Luis Obispo, California, US/1 month ago/0 hits
I'm in PASO ROBLES right now TODAY ONLY STEAL OF A DEAL!!!!!!! Quick Visit 15 minutes $100 a pop or if you think you can keep up with me 45 minutes UNLIMITED POPS & FULL SERVICE $300 1.5 HRS UNLIMITED POPS & FULL SERVICE for a one time fee of $400 each additional hr is an additional $200. OUTCALLS & CARDATES ONLY FOR T...
San Luis Obispo, California, US/1 month ago/0 hits