YOU MUST COME TO ME!! ( Cave City) You will use protection!! ( for EVERYTHING) You have to send me a picture or short video so I know who you are!! You will not ask for lower price!! 💲$125💰 If you give me any funny feelings you will not receive any more text. Please remember that i am female and my feelings can get in ...
YOU MUST COME TO ME!! ( Cave City) You will use protection!! ( for EVERYTHING) You have to send me a picture or short video so I know who you are!! You will not ask for lower price!! 💲$100💰 If you give me any funny feelings you will not receive any more text. Please remember that i am female and my feelings can get in ...
YOU MUST COME TO ME!! ( Cave City) You will use protection!! ( for EVERYTHING) You have to send me a picture or short video so I know who you are!! You will not ask for lower price!! 💲$80💰 If you give me any funny feelings you will not receive any more text. Please remember that i am female and my feelings can get in t...