DO NOT ASK FOR PHOTOS I WILL BLOCK YOU i dont not supply condoms. Bring your own. MONEY IN MY HAND OR SENT BEFORE ANYTHING no ghetto person(s) i refuse to answer text "yo" or "wassup" no bare at all no greek at all slim mixed milf ❤ no deposit required MIN RATE 150.00
DO NOT ASK FOR PHOTOS I WILL BLOCK YOU i dont not supply condoms. Bring your own. MONEY IN MY HAND OR SENT BEFORE ANYTHING no ghetto person(s) i refuse to answer text "yo" or "wassup" no bare at all no greek at all slim mixed milf ❤ no deposit required MIN RATE 150.00
MONEY IN MY HAND OR SENT BEFORE ANYTHING DO NOT ASK FOR PHOTOS I WILL BLOCK YOU i dont not supply condoms. Bring your own. no ghetto person(s) i refuse to answer text "yo" or "wassup" no bare at all no greek at all slim mixed milf ❤ no deposit required MIN RATE 150.00